Today on
Sweet Little Thrills, my design and inspiration blog, you can see more photos from our beautiful wedding. After getting the post together, I was feeling a bit nostalgic and began looking through oodles of photo folders on my computer.
Upon looking at our honeymoon pictures, I was transported to Northern California where we spent a week exploring new places, holding hands, and laughing. We had such a marvelous time and brought back many memories of our trip (I nabbed a pair of one-of-a-kind vintage red cowboy boots that will go down in history as the best honeymoon purchase ever).
Our first few days were spent in San Francisco, specifically in Union Square. We stayed at the Sir Francis Drake Hotel, which just so happens to be in the heart of the shopping district. We leisurely walked into dozens of stores and took the streetcar or trolley wherever we pleased. The temperatures never rose above 55 degrees, but with a scarf and light jacket on it was very comfortable. (Back at home, Erie was battling temps in the mid-90's... and we don't have AC! Needless to say, we were happy to be bundling up.)

Next, we picked up a rental car from the airport and drove up to Napa Valley. We honestly couldn't wait to get there. We had booked a one-bedroom condo that turned out to be one of the most gorgeous places I have ever seen. Pleasantly surprised and delighted, we picked up some groceries and started cooking in our state of the art kitchen. With a fireplace, balcony, full kitchen, and jacuzzi tub, there wasn't much to leave for. We made a daily trip to the beautiful pool area and made sure to eat out at least once.
We drove around (sometimes with purpose, other times aimlessly) and took photos, drank wine, and simply relaxed in each other's company. It was glorious... and a very difficult place to leave.